Textmagic Alternatives | Textmagic vs Textmagic Competitors
Textmagic Alternatives | Textmagic vs Textmagic Competitors

Top Textmagic Competitors and How to Find the Right Textmagic Alternative for You

Textmagic is a business text messaging service for marketing. It offers two-way SMS, text reminders, and notifications.

It’s a great solution for texting with customers and even internally with staff and employees. 

However, like all software, Textmagic has some limitations and problems with message delivery.

So if you’re looking for a Textmagic alternative read on for:

  1. What Textmagic is (pros, cons, who it’s best for, etc.)
  2. TextMagic Reviews: Positive and negative Textmagic customer feedback
  3. How to migrate your TextMagic phone number to a TextMagic alternative
  4. The top 8 best Textmagic alternatives
  5. Answers to frequently asked questions when switching to a Textmagic alternative

By the end, you’ll have all the information you need to choose the right TextMagic alternative for you.

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Key TextMagic features:


  • Mass Texting: Send bulk SMS messages to large groups of recipients simultaneously.
  • Two-Way SMS Chat: Engage in real-time text conversations with customers.
  • Toll-Free and 10DLC Texting: Use toll-free or 10-digit long codes to send messages.
  • SMS Numbers: Utilize dedicated virtual numbers for sending and receiving SMS.
  • Sender ID: Customize your sender name to match your brand identity.
  • Automation: Set up automated SMS workflows in Textmagic for recurring texts and reminders.
  • Integrations: Textmagic connects with over 1,000 apps via Zapier. You can also use their robust API to integrate with CRMs, marketing platforms, and helpdesk tools.
  • Click-to-Text: Enable customers to start text conversations with a click.
  • Contacts & Lists Management: Textmagic helps you organize and manage contact lists for targeted messaging.
  • SMS Surveys: Collect feedback through Textmagic’s interactive SMS surveys.
  • Reporting and Analytics: You can track message delivery and engagement rates, and campaign performance with Textmagic.
  • Secure Texting: SOC2 and GDPR compliance protect the privacy and security of communications for larger organizations and enterprises.
  • Voice and WhatsApp Integration: You can incorporate voice and WhatsApp messaging to expand your communication channels.
Textmagic pros Textmagic cons
👍 Ease of Use: Textmagic is easy to use and set up for SMS campaigns 👎 Message Delivery Delays: Customers report delays and problems with text message delivery
👍 Two-Way SMS Chat: Textmagic enables real-time conversations with your contacts 👎 Complex Contact Management: The system for managing contacts is cumbersome
👍 Seamless Contact Import: It’s easy to import contacts from different sources into Textmagic 👎 Limited Multimedia Messaging: Textmagic only supports image links instead of direct uploads
👍 Convenient Billing: Textmagic’s auto-balance feature ensures that you don’t run out of credits unexpectedly 👎 Customer Service Concerns: Some say Textmagic’s customer service is less responsive compared to other platforms
👍 Compliance: For larger organizations, Textmagic is SOC2 and GDPR compliant 👎 Higher Costs for High-Volume Messaging: Costs add up quickly due to the pay-as-you-go model
👍 Integrations: Textmagic has over 1,000 integrations with CRMs, marketing platforms, and other tools. 👎 Weak Channel Offerings: Textmagic supports voice and WhatsApp but these channels are underdeveloped

Who is TextMagic best for?

TextMagic is great for a variety of verticals and industries. Here’s a breakdown of those finding value with TextMagic:

1. Customer service teams

Customer service managers and support agents in the E-commerce, retail, healthcare, and hospitality industries find value in Textmagic. Texting helps them provide support and quickly engage with contacts to handle inquiries, provide updates, and manage appointments or reservations. 

2. Marketing and promotional teams

Marketing managers in retail, real estate, fitness, and event management run SMS marketing campaigns with Textmagic. They use it to send promotional messages and build customer engagement through targeted text blasts and scheduled campaigns. TextMagic's analytics and reporting tools also help them track campaign performance.

3. Sales teams

Sales representatives and business development managers in various industries use TextMagic for follow-ups and lead nurturing, as well as appointment scheduling. TextMagic helps sales teams maintain consistent communication with leads and clients. The two-way SMS yields faster response times and better conversion rates​.

4. Service-based businesses

Operations managers and service coordinators in the home services, healthcare, education, and logistics industries use Textmagic. It helps them send reminders, text alerts, and notifications to customers and team members. 

5. Human resources departments

HR managers and recruiters in the manufacturing and healthcare spaces text with Textmagic.

They send texts to communicate with employees for announcements, shift scheduling, emergency notifications, and application updates. TextMagic’s bulk messaging capabilities make it ideal for internal communication within large organizations​.

6. Non-profit and charitable organizations

Charities, community groups, churches, and educational institutions send texts. Non-profit managers, and communication officers in these organizations use Textmagic to keep volunteers and donors informed, manage event notifications, and send fundraising appeals.

Text magic Reviews: Positive and Negative Textmagic Customer Feedback

Positive Textmagic reviews:

  1. Ease of Use: Customers consistently praise TextM\magic for its straightforward interface. One customer notes, “TextMagic is incredibly easy to set up and use” (TrustRadius).
  2. Effective Real-Time Communication: Customers appreciate how Textmagic’s two-way SMS chat feature enhances real-time communication. A reviewer highlights this advantage, “Responding to customers instantly through two-way chat is a game-changer” (TrustRadius).
  3. Convenient Billing Structure: Customers find the auto-balance billing system convenient, as it helps avoid unexpected credit shortages. A customer comments, “Textmagic’s billing structure is convenient - we never run out of credit unexpectedly” (TrustRadius).

Negative Textmagic reviews:

  1. Message Delivery Delays: Some customers report problems with Textmagic message delivery. A frustrated customer explains, “There have been instances where messages were delayed, affecting our communication efficiency” ​(TrustRadius).
  2. Limited Multimedia Messaging Options: Customers criticize Textmagic for not supporting direct image uploads in SMS messages, requiring them to send image links instead. One customer describes this frustration, “TextMagic doesn’t allow direct image uploads; using links isn't ideal” ​(TrustRadius).
  3. Customer Service Concerns: Customers express dissatisfaction with Textmagic’s customer support. They mention slow responses and less helpful assistance compared to Textmagic competitors. One reviewer remarks, “Customer support could be more responsive and helpful; we've had better experiences with other providers” ​(TrustRadius).

How to Migrate Your Textmagic Phone Number to a TextMagic Alternative

Textmagic is essentially a VoIP provider. This means your Textmagic phone number is a voice-over-IP (VoIP) phone number.

VoIP phone numbers are easy to host or port to another service. This makes switching to a Textmagic alternative relatively easy.

Here’s the step-by-step for hosting your Textmagic phone number with a TextMagic alternative, like MessageDesk. 

1. Check your Textmagic contract and terms of service

You’ll want to check your TextMagic contract before you migrate your Textmagic phone number. 

So be sure to understand any termination fees or obligations. Ensure that you’re aware of your contract’s end date and any cancellation policies.

2. Request number hosting or number porting

Contact your Textmagic alternative: 

Reach out to your new solution’s customer support team to initiate the phone number hosting or porting process. They will guide you through their specific requirements.

Gather necessary information: 

Prepare all necessary documentation and information required for number hosting or porting, such as:

  • Your current Textmagic account details
  • Your business’s billing address and authorized contact person
  • A copy of your most recent Textmagic bill (to prove ownership of the phone number)

Submit a number hosting or porting request: 

There’s a difference between number hosting and number porting

If you’re just moving your SMS functionality to a new provider, then you’ll want to complete a phone number hosting request.

If you’re moving your SMS AND voice functionality, then you’ll need to submit a phone number porting request. 

In both cases, your new Textmagic alternative will help you to choose the right option. They’ll help you navigate submitting the right documents and business information.

👀 Note: Business texting platforms like MessageDesk can work with you and a different VoIP provider like RingCentral. It’s possible to configure texting and your VoIP calling features separately.


3. Schedule a phone number disconnection date with Textmagic

Step 1. Notify Textmagic

Next, you’ll need to schedule a disconnection date with Textmagic. This releases your phone number and allows a new service to port or host your existing voice service, text messaging, or both. 

Step 2. Avoid canceling Textmagic prematurely

Do not cancel your Textmagic account until the number porting process is complete. Cancelling early can lead to losing your phone number.

This is important because Textmagic gets its phone numbers from two telecom providers, Twilio and Synch. Both services require you and TextMagic to release your number before moving it to a new service.

Step 3. Sign a letter of authorization

What is a letter of authorization (LOA)? An LOA is a letter to a phone number provider or carrier. An LOA grants a different provider access to your phone number. 

In some cases, an LOA authorizes a full number port, in other cases it authorizes just phone number hosting.  


4. Wait for hosting or porting to complete

Porting timeframe: 

The porting process can take 1-2 weeks. But this timeframe can vary depending on your location and provider. During this time, ensure customers can reach you via other communication channels.

Monitor for updates:

Keep in touch with both Textmagic and your Textmagic alternative to stay updated on the porting status. Your new provider will notify you once the porting is successful.

5. Test and verify your phone number

Test your phone number’s voice and texting:

Test your phone number after you receive confirmation that your host or port is complete.

Configure your Textmagic alternative:

Set up your new communication workflows in your Textmagic alternative. This might include automated text responses, customer groups, and campaigns. You can also take this time to import any data you backed up from Textmagic.

6. Get approved by carriers for business text messaging

Have you already registered your Textmagic phone number with telecom providers and the TCR for carrier compliance? If yes, then you can skip this step - your new provider will help you transfer your active campaign.

If not, then read on.  

All telecom carriers in the U.S. require businesses and organizations that text to complete A2P 10DLC carrier registration

They do this to prevent phishing scams and SPAM messaging from bad actors.

To register with carriers you have to use a Textmagic alternative, like MessageDesk. 

You also have to adhere to various standards like opt-in and TCPA regulations

But the good news is that most Textmagic alternatives can help manage opt-in, compliance, and registration for you.

Every service has its way of managing opt-in and carrier registration. But here’s how we do it at MessageDesk:

Step 1: Submit and validate organization info with carriers through MessageDesk

We start the carrier registration process by validating that your organization is legitimate. We do this simply by submitting a form that collects the following information:

  1. Business identification: You need to provide proof of your business's existence and legality. This includes your Employer Identification Number (EIN) or other tax identification numbers.
  2. Business address: The official address registered with your organization.
  3. Contact Information: A primary contact within the business, including name, phone number, email address, and website.
  4. Messaging purpose and examples: Explain why and how your business uses SMS messaging. This involves providing message examples.
  5. Opt-in and opt-out processes: Describe how your contacts opt in and out of receiving messages. This includes how you collect consent and how you manage and honor opt-out requests.
  6. Message content and volume: Carriers need to know about the volume and content of the messages you’ll send. This helps carriers understand your messaging patterns. It also ensures that your messages align with anti-spam policies.


Step 2: Publish a carrier-compliant business text messaging policy on your website

You submitted and validated your information. Next, the compliance team at MessageDesk will work with you or your web developer. 

Carriers require that you have a website and that you publish a business text messaging privacy policy on it.

Your privacy policy must explain the following:

  1. The type of contact and personal information your organization collects
  2. How your organization collects information from contacts
  3. How your organization uses any information collected
  4. How your organization protects contact data
  5. That your organization does not share information
  6. How contacts can opt out of receiving text messages
🚨 Note: having a website with a privacy policy is an absolute must for business text messaging. Without it, carriers will not approve your organization for texting. 
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Top 8 Best Textmagic Alternatives

I covered what Textmagic is, detailed its features, and feedback, and showed you how to migrate your TextMagic number.

Next, is a list of the top seven Textmagic alternatives.

1. MessageDesk | MessageDesk vs Textmagic


MessageDesk offers a distinct alternative to Textmagic. It focuses on a shared team SMS inbox and text-based collaboration. This makes it ideal for teams that need to manage SMS communications efficiently. 

MessageDesk is unlike Textmagic. Instead of emphasizing simple bulk SMS campaigns, MessageDesk emphasizes its team SMS features. You can text-enable existing business numbers, automate responses, and route messages to the appropriate team members. 

This makes MessageDesk particularly useful if you need a more collaborative approach to customer service, appointment scheduling, and internal communications.

Additionally, MessageDesk positions itself as a strong choice for those looking for more sophisticated team texting capabilities. It also starts at a lower price compared to other platforms like Textmagic.

MessageDesk overview:

MessageDesk is a powerful SMS messaging platform. Its shared team SMS inbox, allows teams to send, receive, and manage text messages efficiently from one centralized platform. 

With MessageDesk, you can:

  • Text-enable your existing landline or VoIP phone numbers
  • Schedule text messages
  • Automate text responses
  • Maintain A2P 10DLC compliance
  • And more 

MessageDesk is particularly well-suited for those in the home and professional services, logistics, HR and recruitment, and customer support industries where timely and organized communication is crucial. 

The platform also offers advanced features like chatbots and keyword-based autoresponders., This makes it a comprehensive tool for managing both customer and internal communications.

MessageDesk features:

  • Shared Team SMS Inbox: Centralize all of your SMS conversations in one place for better collaboration among team members.
  • Text-Enable Existing Numbers: MessageDesk makes it easy to use your existing phone numbers for SMS communications.
  • Bulk Text Messaging: MessageDesk supports personalized bulk messaging to groups and individual contacts.
  • Scheduled Text Messages: Save time with scheduled one-time or recurring text messages.
  • Message Templates: Use pre-saved templates for quick and consistent customer service responses.
  • Automated Messages: Automates SMS responses for reviews, reminders, and notifications.
  • MMS Support: Supports sending and receiving images and other media.
  • Contact Management: Organize your contacts into groups for targeted messaging.
  • Compliance Tools: MessageDesk ensures compliance with A2P 10DLC carrier regulations and improves message delivery rates.
  • Website Chatbot: Install MessageDesk’s chatbot on your website to start more text conversations.
  • AI SMS Template Generator: Generate customized SMS templates using AI.
MessageDesk pros: MessageDesk cons:
👍 Easy Number Integration: Seamlessly integrate MessageDesk with your existing landline or VoIP numbers 👎 Limited to SMS: MessageDesk primarily focuses on SMS and doesn’t support additional messaging channels
👍 Scalable for SMBs: MessageDesk is ideal for small to medium-sized businesses with growth potential. 👎 No Free Trial: Requires talking to sales to get started
👍 Shared Inbox for Team Management: MessageDesk centralizes your team communication, making it easier to manage text conversations 👎 A2P 10DLC Required: Service is dependent on carrier approval processes
👍 Automated and Scheduled Messaging: MessageDesk offers automation features, including keyword-based responses and scheduled SMS broadcasts 👎 Geographical Limitations: Only services customers in the United States and Canada
👍 Compliance Tools: MessageDesk ensures that you adhere to A2P 10DLC compliance and regulations. 👎 Limited Analytics: MessageDesk doesn’t offer robust SMS marketing analytics vs EZ Texting
👍 Versatile Use Across Industries: MessageDesk works for a wide range of industries

MessageDesk reviews from customers:

Sylvia L.

Programmatic Account Manager

"MesageDesk is great for sending mass texts for the staff or communicating with returning clients. We have sent promotional deals to our returning clients. We can also group clients if need be based on categories."

Joylyn O.

Marketing Consultant

"MessageDesk is an effective texting app with excellent customer service. The templates are customizable with tagging features to personalize messages. MessageDesk also has fantastic customer service where real people answer your questions."

2. SimpleTexting | Textmagic vs SimpleTexting


SimpleTexting stands out as a more feature-rich and cost-effective alternative to Textmagic. 

SimpleTexting provides a more comprehensive suite of features than Textmagic. These include MMS messaging, advanced automation tools, and AI-driven message generation.

SimpleTexting is also better for sending images, videos, and GIFs through MMS. This isn’t available with Textmagic.

SimpleTexting overview:

SimpleTexting is a comprehensive SMS marketing software. 

It enables you to send personalized text messages, manage two-way conversations, and automate SMS campaigns with ease. 

Looking to engage customers, remind them of appointments, or run complex marketing campaigns? SimpleTexting provides the tools to make all of it happen. 

Like MessageDesk, SimpleTexting also supports team collaboration and an inbox. But this feature is less developed.

SimpleTexting features:

  • Two-Way Messaging: Use SimpleTexting to engage in real-time conversations with your customer base through SMS.
  • Mass Texting: Send personalized bulk text messages to large groups of contacts.
  • Automation: Set up automated texts in SimpleTexting for reminders, follow-ups, and drip campaigns.
  • Custom Integrations: Seamlessly integrate with popular marketing apps like Mailchimp and ConstantContact.
  • AI-Powered Message Generator: Use AI to craft and customize text messages quickly.
  • Unlimited Keywords and Contacts: Create unlimited SMS keywords and manage extensive contact lists with SimpleTexting.
  • Compliance Tools: SimpleTexing’s built-in A2P 10DLC compliance tools keep your SMS marketing campaigns compliant.
  • Rollover Credits: Unused SMS credits roll over to the next month.
SimpleTexting Pros: SimpleTexting Cons:
👍 Easy-to-Use Interface: Simple and straightforward to use, even for beginners 👎 Limited Customization: Some customers may find certain aspects of SimpleTexting’s customization limited
👍 Robust Automation: Supports a wide range of automated texts and campaigns 👎 Higher Costs for Large Campaigns: While competitive compared to Textmagic, costs can rise with larger-scale texting needs
👍 Unlimited Keywords and Contacts: SimpleTexting doesn’t limit your number of keywords or contacts 👎 Rollover Credits: Unused credits only roll over for one month
👍 Strong Compliance Tools: Built-in compliance tools ensure that your SMS marketing messages get delivered 👎 Team Management Costs: Adding more team members incurs additional costs
👍 Easy-to-Use Interface: Simple and straightforward to use, even for beginners 👎 Limited Customization: Some customers may find certain aspects of SimpleTexting’s customization limited

SimpleTexting reviews from customers:

Andrew S.

Associate Missions Pastor

"SimpleTexting is so easy to use. I created the account, and within a few minutes, I scheduled my first SMS reminder. The interface is simple, and that's what I was looking for in an SMS reminder product."

Sam M.

Marketing Coordinator

"I do wish there wasn't a character count on the replies for our automatic messages since that's not really a "thing" anymore with iPhones and newer phones these days. I wish it would all just send as one message even if they needed to count it as multiple credits from our account."

3. EZ Texting | EZ Texting vs Textmagic


EZ Texting offers a more robust and flexible alternative to Textmagic for businesses seeking advanced text marketing capabilities. 

Textmagic focuses on a straightforward SMS solution with a pay-as-you-go pricing model. But compared to Textmagic, EZ Texting provides a richer set of features. This includes QR code generation, AI-driven message composition, and seamless Shutterstock integration for MMS campaigns. 

Customers often refer to EZ Texting as a more user-friendly platform. It works better for businesses and organizations interested in visually engaging campaigns and diverse list-growth tools.

Additionally, EZ Texting provides a more transparent and flexible pricing structure. Pricing starts at $20 per month. This makes it an appealing choice for those looking to maximize their SMS marketing budget without compromising on features​.

EZTexting Overview: 

EZ Texting is a leading SMS marketing that helps you connect with your audience through text messaging campaigns. 

It supports a variety of text messaging needs including mass texts, two-way texting, and automation. 

EZ Texting also comes with a team inbox for coordinated responses. You can use AI Compose for efficient message creation and set up QR codes for easy customer engagement. 

The platform is easy to use. With EZ Texting you get powerful automation tools and customer support available seven days a week.

You might prefer EZ Texting over Textmagic if you want to improve communication and drive customer engagement at scale​.

EZTexting features:

  • Mass Texting: Send bulk messages to large groups of contacts quickly and efficiently.
  • Two-Way Texting: Engage in real-time conversations with customers through SMS.
  • Automation & Campaigns: Set up drip campaigns, recurring texts, and automated replies to streamline communication.
  • MMS Messaging with Shutterstock Integration: Access millions of royalty-free images for multimedia messaging.
  • Contact Management: Import, customize, and segment contacts to deliver personalized messages.
  • Integrations & API: Seamlessly connect with tools like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, and more, or use the API for custom integrations.
  • QR Code Generator: Generate unique QR codes to drive traffic to websites, forms, or promotions.
  • Analytics & Reporting: Track campaign performance with real-time reporting on clicks, bounce rates, and opt-outs.
  • Team Inbox: A multi-seat inbox that enables collaboration and fast response times within your team.
EZ Texting pros: EZ Texting cons:
👍 AI Tools and Automation: EZ Texting offers AI-powered message composition and automation tools 👎 Higher Costs: EZ Texting gets expensive when you send a high volume of messages
👍 Comprehensive Automation: EZ Texting offers robust automation features, including drip campaigns and recurring texts 👎 Limited Advanced Features on Basic Plans: Advanced features are only available on higher-tier plans
👍 Rich MMS Support: Allows you to text images, videos, and GIFs for more engaging messages (supported by Shutterstock) 👎 Inconsistent Customer Support: Some customers report inconsistent customer support response times
👍 Effective Contact Management: It is easy to import, segment, and manage contacts with EZ Texting 👎 No Free Plan: While a free trial is available, there is no permanent free plan
👍 Seamless Integrations: Easily integrate with popular tools like Mailchimp and Constant Contact, plus a customizable API for advanced integrations

EZTexting reviews from customers:

Ryan B.

Programmatic Account Manager

"I had to stop using the EZ Texting App. The App functionality was very poor and did not allow the same functionality as the web. I would have liked more helpful notifications about message replies so I could respond quickly to customer needs."

Luis B.

Human Resources Manager

"We have been using EZ Texting for employee communication for 2-3 years, the website is easy to use and set up. Support responds to inquiries in a timely manner. Pricing is reasonable for the amount of use we can get out of it.The organization has been able to send mass texts during shutdowns due to weather. The link shortener tool is very convenient to use when sending long website likes, and also can see how many have clicked on it."

4. Textedly |  Textedly vs. Textmagic


Textedly presents a compelling alternative to Textmagic. It focuses further on simplicity and affordability and still provides you with a comprehensive set of text messaging features. 

Unlike Textmagic, Textedly provides more value through its variety of messaging plans. These plans include unlimited contacts, MMS support, and automated workflows. 

Textedly's plans are generally more cost-effective. Their pricing structure includes unlimited contacts and toll-free numbers for mass messaging. 

Additionally, Textedly stands out with features like SMS Keywords and Webforms. Both help you grow your contact lists more efficiently.

Textedly overview:

Textedly is an text message marketing platform with easy-to-use, powerful features for managing text campaigns. 

With Textedly, you can:

  • Send mass texts
  • Engage in two-way conversations
  • Schedule text messages
  • Automate responses
  • And more, all from a single platform 

Their service offers a range of features. You take advantage of toll-free texting, short codes, and integration capabilities with apps like Zapier, Mailchimp, and Slack. 

You’ll like Textedly if you want to personalize your customer engagement. With Textedlly you can further leverage features like SMS Keywords and advanced analytics to optimize your campaigns.

Textedly features:

  • Mass Texting: Send bulk SMS messages to large contact lists with just a few clicks in Textedly.
  • Two-Way SMS: Engage in one-on-one conversations with your subscribers directly from Textedly.
  • MMS Messaging: Send and receive MMS picture messages, including images, GIFs, and short videos.
  • Automated Messages: Set up SMS drip campaigns, auto-replies, and scheduled texts.
  • Comprehensive Analytics: Track the performance of your campaigns with real-time data and reports in Textedly.
  • Webforms: Create custom opt-in forms for website integration to expand your subscriber base.
  • Unlimited Contacts: Textedly lets you add as many contacts as you need without any restrictions.
  • Integrations: Connect with over 3,000 apps, including Zapier, Salesforce, and Mailchimp.
  • Email Capture: Easily collect and manage email addresses alongside phone numbers to grow your marketing list.
  • Voice Services: Convert toll-free or long-code numbers into voice call centers.
  • Text-to-Pay: Facilitate transactions directly through text messages, speeding up payment processes.
Textedly pros: Textedly cons:
👍 Affordable Pricing: More cost-effective compared to many competitors, especially for small businesses 👎 No Free Plan: Only a 14-day free trial is available
👍 Comprehensive MMS Support: You can send engaging multimedia messages, supported by a large image library 👎 Limited Advanced Features: Some advanced marketing features might be missing compared to other platforms
👍 Scalable Contact Management: Textedly allows for unlimited contacts 👎 Basic Reporting: While comprehensive, some customers may find the analytics features less advanced compared to specialized tools
👍 Multiple Integrations: Seamlessly connects with popular tools like Zapier, Salesforce, and Mailchimp 👎 No Dedicated Customer Support for All Plans: Premium Textedly support may require a higher-tier subscription

Textedly reviews from customers:

Lindsay G.

Marketing Coordinator

"We use this texting service to market our courses and events, and the service is very user-friendly! Anytime I have ever needed assistance or help, the customer service team has always been very prompt with their response time. I would recommend this service to other business owners!"

Kate S.

Recruiting Coordinator

"I wish I could send a message right after adding a new subscriber. I could get to the message board just after making a new user; it would eliminate three clicks in the system. In addition, it would be nice to have two users when setting up an account. It's a bummer that we would have to purchase a new seat."

5. SlickText | SlickText vs Textmagic


SlickText is another strong alternative to Textmagic. It’s a more comprehensive SMS marketing platform with robust subscriber engagement tools. 

Unlike Textmagic, SlickText offers several more specialized features. Text-to-win contests, loyalty rewards programs, and SMS surveys are all standouts. 

These additional features give you more opportunities to engage with your audience in creative ways. 

SlickText also provides advanced automation and segmentation tools. Like Textedly and other options, you get more personalized and targeted messaging than Textmagic’s simpler offering.


SlickText is another comprehensive SMS marketing platform. It can help you grow your audience and engage with contacts through text messaging campaigns. 

The platform offers a wide array of tools. You get text message automation, list growth options, detailed analytics, and various integrations with Shopify, HubSpot, Mailchimp, etc. 

With SlickText, you can easily manage your SMS marketing efforts. It's easy to send mass texts and set up automated workflows alongside mobile coupons and loyalty rewards programs.

SlickText’s user-friendly interface, combined with its powerful features, makes it a proper Textmagic alternative.


  • Mass Texting: Send broadcast text messages to large groups of subscribers using personalization and segmentation options in SlickText.
  • Two-Way Messaging: Engage in personalized conversations with subscribers directly through SlickText.
  • Automated Workflows: Create complex SMS sequences that trigger based on subscriber behavior or actions.
  • List Segmentation: Segment your audience based on custom fields, behavior, and demographics.
  • Loyalty Programs: Build and manage customer loyalty programs to increase retention and engagement.
  • Mobile Coupons: Create and send fully customizable, POS-compatible mobile coupons.
  • Text-to-Win Contests: Run text-to-win contests to engage your audience and grow your subscriber list.
  • Detailed Analytics: Monitor campaign performance with dashboards that track metrics like click-through rates and opt-in statistics.
  • Seamless Integrations: Connect with over 15 native integrations and 4,000 more through Zapier to streamline your workflows.
SlickText pros: SlickText cons:
👍 Comprehensive Automation Tools: SlickText offers powerful automation workflows that handle complex SMS marketing tasks 👎 Higher Pricing for Advanced Features: Some features like automation and segmentation are only available on higher-tier SlickText plans
👍 Robust Integration Options: Integrates seamlessly with popular platforms like Shopify, HubSpot, and Zapier 👎 Limited Customization for Some Features: You fight find customization options limited compared to other SMS marketing platforms
👍 Surveys and Contests: Effective engagement tools like text-to-win contests and surveys 👎 Learning Curve for Advanced Features: While easy to use, some of the more advanced features like workflows have a learning curve
👍 Detailed Analytics: Offers deep insights into campaign performance, helping you refine and improve your SMS marketing strategies 👎 Limited Customer Support Availability: SlickText limits support options depending on your plan

What SlickText customers say:

Gia E.

Director of Marketing

"Zachary with SlickText Support has been amazing. I have been fortunate enough to have very little issues as a new user! The tool is super user friendly. However the couple of tickets submitted have been sent to Zachary. WOW! He replied quickly and had a resolution witthin minutes. Zach is a huge asset to this company and I hope to have him in the future! We love SlickText so far and happy with all SMS solutions."

Don M.

Business Growth Coach

"With the limits on the number of textwords, I find myself needing to be creative in how I create groups of clients. I'd love to be able to tag subscribers based on the cohort or course they're currently attending, then send messages to that group. At the moment, custom fields and segments seem to work, but that may change as my course offerings grow."

6. ClickSend | ClickSend vs Textmagic


ClickSend offers a broader range of communication options compared to Textmagic. This makes it versatile if you’re looking beyond just SMS messaging. 

ClickSend provides a more comprehensive suite that includes SMS, MMS, email, voice, fax, and even direct mail capabilities. 

These additional channels make ClickSend particularly attractive if you want to integrate multiple channels into your communication strategy. 

Additionally, ClickSend provides robust API support and advanced automation features. You can create custom messaging workflows that trigger based on various events. 

At the end of the day, ClickSend gives you more flexibility and scalability than Textmagic​. However, if you just need SMS marketing, ClickSend might be overkill.

ClickSend Overview:

ClickSend is a cloud-based communication platform. You can send and receive SMS, MMS, voice messages, email, fax, and direct mail worldwide with ClickSend.

It streamlines business communications across multiple channels through a single, easy-to-use dashboard.

ClickSend supports both promotional and transactional messaging, making it ideal for marketing campaigns, customer notifications, appointment reminders, and internal communications. 

With its powerful API and integration capabilities, ClickSend is suitable for businesses of all sizes looking to automate and optimize their communication processes.

ClickSend Features:

  • Bulk SMS and MMS Messaging: Send mass text and multimedia messages to large groups quickly and efficiently.
  • Two-Way Messaging: Engage in interactive conversations with customers, allowing replies directly to your email or dashboard.
  • Email to SMS: Convert emails into SMS messages, enabling communication via text from your preferred email service.
  • SMS Automation: Set up automated workflows for recurring messages, order confirmations, tracking information, and more.
  • Direct Mail Automation: With ClickSend you can automate sending letters and postcards with integrations and API triggers.
  • API Integration: Build custom SMS, email, and voice messaging solutions with extensive API documentation.
  • Global 24/7 Support: Access support from real people anytime, ensuring assistance is available when needed.
  • High Security and Reliability: Enterprise-level security and a 99.95% uptime SLA guarantee.
  • Flexible Messaging Options: Supports SMS, email, voice, fax, and direct mail, making it a comprehensive solution for business communications.
  • Promotional and Informational Campaigns: Run promotional campaigns and send informational alerts, appointment reminders, and more.
ClickSend pros: ClickSend cons:
👍 Multi-Channel Communication: Offers SMS, MMS, email, voice, and direct mail from a single platform 👎 Complex for Beginners: The wide range of features and customization options can be overwhelming for new users
👍 Extensive API and Integrations: Robust API support allows for custom communication workflows 👎 Higher Learning Curve: Setting up and optimizing advanced features may require more time and technical know-how
👍 Secure and Reliable: High-security standards with a 99.95% uptime guarantee 👎 Additional Costs for Certain Features: Some advanced features, like voice and direct mail, may involve extra charges
👍 Automated Direct Mail: ClickSend offers this unique feature for automating direct mail campaigns via API 👎 No Native AI Features: Lacks AI-driven tools available in some competitors

ClickSend reviews from customers:

Fred S.

Small Business Owner

"It is missing basic features. If you get a reply, there's no flag in the Messenger to let you know there's a new text reply. The interface is odd sometimes, not sure why there's a difference between Quick SMS and a Campaign. The Camapign is actually more restrictive and it doesnt allow you to select multiple lists, like the Quick SMS option does. It's odd. There's a delay in sending a message as they reivewed somehow. Other services just send out your message."

Allen E.

President/CEO Small Business

"Clicksend is a swiss army knife of marketing. I've used it to send text campaigns, one-off text messages, postcards, and letters all priced great. The print quality is great and mail times fast. It can also do text-to-speech calls, fax, and emails. I love that I can plug it into my CRM (ActiveCampaign) and trigger different actions based on different triggers."

7. Twilio | Textmagic vs Twilio


Twilio is a significantly more versatile and scalable alternative to Textmagic, but its far more complicated. You can do everything with Twilio as its offerings go far beyond SMS messaging. 

Twilio offers a broader suite of communication tools than Textmagic. These include SMS, MMS, voice, email, and WhatsApp messaging, all through powerful APIs. 

Twilio gears its platform toward enterprises and developers that have the resources to build their own communications solutions. 

If you’re a developer, Twilio is the best choice with robust API integrations. You can build any number of customized messaging workflows tailored to your specific needs.

Twilio overview:

Twilio is a cloud communications suite for developers and enterprises. You can use the platform to build and scale all of your channels. This includes SMS, MMS, voice, email, and chat applications like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. 

Twilio's platform is highly flexible, allowing developers to create custom communication solutions using Twilio's extensive API offerings. 

Twilio also provides ready-to-use applications like Twilio Studio for building workflows without coding. This is a plus for smaller businesses. However, it’s nowhere near as usable as Textmagic or a Textmagic alternative.

Companies around the world trust Twilio for promotional and transactional messaging. It's your best bet for global reach, high deliverability rates, and enterprise-grade security.

Twilio features:

  • Programmable Messaging API: Send SMS, MMS, and WhatsApp messages via a single API.
  • Global Reach: Use Twilio to deliver messages across 180+ countries with localized senders and compliance tools.
  • Scalability: Supports large-scale message delivery with a robust infrastructure.
  • Cross-Channel Messaging: Engage customers through SMS, MMS, chat, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and more using Twilio.
  • Customizable Solutions: Twilio’s extensive APIs allow you to tailor messaging experiences and integrate them into your existing applications.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Monitor and troubleshoot message delivery and engagement in real-time with Twilio.
  • Developer Resources: Twilio offers comprehensive documentation, quick-start guides, and SDKs for building custom solutions.
Twilio pros: Twilio cons:
👍 Highly Customizable: Twilio’s APIs allow for extensive customization, making it ideal for complex use cases 👎 Developer-Dependent: Twilio requires technical expertise to implement and manage
👍 Scalability: Twilio supports global messaging needs, handling billions of messages annually 👎 Pricing Complexity: Twilio’s pricing is complex and expensive depending on usage and scale
👍 Cross-Channel Support: Twilio supports multiple messaging channels beyond SMS, including WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger 👎 Overhead for Simple Use Cases: Twilio is overkill for businesses that just need straightforward SMS marketing tools
👍 Reliable Infrastructure: Twilio offers high deliverability and compliance across global markets 👎 Learning Curve: Twilio’s flexibility comes with a steep learning curve

Twilio reviews from customers:

Ramon C.

Co-Founder and CMO

"Twilio is one of the most reliable API for SMS and messages in the market, also the prices are pretty competitive and it lets you perform code validation through SMS and Calls and for Whatsapp it already has a complete API."

Chrissy M.

Director of Business Development

"There was a slightly higher learner curve with using Twilio that we had seen with other options; however, this was easily overcome and we now have a firm understanding of how to best utilize the program."

8. Brevo (formerly Sendinblue | Sendinblue vs Textmagic


Brevo (formerly Sendinblue) is a more comprehensive platform compared to Textmagic.  

With  Brevo you can manage multi-channel communication within a single platform. It offers a broader range of features. You get email marketing, SMS, WhatsApp, and push notifications, all integrated with CRM and sales automation tools. 

Choose Brevo if you need complex automation workflows, multi-channel campaigns, and a unified customer view. All of these features create a more versatile Textmagic alternative for scaling communication efforts across various channels.

Brevo overview:

Brevo is an all-in-one marketing and CRM platform. You can manage your customer relationships through email, SMS, WhatsApp, and more. 

With Brevo, marketing and sales teams get a seamless experience. Its tools enable you to engage with your audience, automate processes, and analyze performance across multiple channels. 

You’ll like Brevo as an alternative to Textmagic for unifying marketing and sales across all channels.

Brevo Features:

  • Email Marketing: Create, send, and track personalized email campaigns with ease.
  • SMS and WhatsApp Marketing: Engage customers with targeted SMS and WhatsApp messages.
  • Marketing Automation: Automate your marketing efforts with Brevo’s advanced workflows and triggers.
  • CRM Integration: Manage your sales pipeline and customer data in one place.
  • Push Notifications: Send web and mobile push notifications to keep customers engaged.
  • Transactional Messaging: Ensure timely delivery of transactional emails and SMS.
  • Landing Pages and Forms: Use Brevo to design landing pages and forms to capture leads and drive conversions.
  • Live Chat and Chatbot: Brevo makes it possible to provide real-time customer support with live chat and chatbot features.
  • Customer Data Platform: Unify and manage your customer data with Brevo to improve targeting and personalization.
  • API Integration: Access Brevo’s wide range of APIs for email, SMS, and more to build custom solutions.
Brevo pros: Brevo cons:
👍 Multi-Channel Communication: Brevo supports email, SMS, WhatsApp, and push notifications 👎 Steeper Learning Curve: Brevo’s advanced features will require more time to master
👍 Comprehensive Marketing Automation: Brevo offers complex workflows and triggers for personalized campaigns 👎 Higher Starting Price: Brevo’s pricing is higher compared to basic SMS platforms
👍 Integrated CRM and Sales Tools: Manage sales pipelines alongside marketing efforts with Brevo 👎 Limited Free Plan: Brevo offers a free plan, but it’s limited compared to other platforms
👍 Scalable for Growing Businesses: Suitable for businesses of all sizes, with features that scale with growth 👎 No Dedicated SMS Focus: Brevo is overkill if you’re looking solely for an SMS marketing solution
👍 Strong API Support: You get extensive APIs for building custom communication solutions 👎 Overwhelming for Simple Needs: The wide range of features can be overwhelming for those needing only basic functions

Brevo reviews from customers:

Polina E.


"Brevo is affordable compared to other services, easy to use, and provides a lot of valuable features. Also, provides statistics that are helpful and easy to interpret. The design of the campaigns looks modern and professional. I've also recently had a great experience with customer support where my problem was solved in 15 minutes."

Matthieu T.

Full Stack Developer

"Since it seems to have changed owner in the past year (SendInBlue was renamed Brevo), we encountered some problems with the API documentation that was not up to date. From time to time, their website is lagging and not responding, which could be very frustrating. If you're not in the Business Plan, the Customer Support is quite poor ; you have to write a ticket and you don't even get an email when they answer. Thanksfully we moved to the Business Plan and we were suprised to get someone on the phone very quickly each time we needed."

Frequently asked Textmagic alternative questions

Below is a list of questions frequently asked when migrating to a Textmagic alternative.

What steps should I take before canceling my Textmagic account?

Back up your customer and conversation data and export it before you cancel your Textmagic account. Also, be sure to review your TextMagic contract and cancellation terms.

How do I ensure that I don’t lose any customer data when switching platforms?

Export all relevant data from TextMagic. You want to ensure you don’t lose any customer data when switching to a Textmagic alternative. 

This data might include customer contact information, conversation histories, and review records. Use Textmagic’s export tools to download this data in a .csv file.

How long does it typically take to transition from Textmagic to a Textmagic alternative?

Transitioning from TextMagic to a Textmagic alternative typically takes a few days to several weeks. 

Your transition time depends on data migration complexity, phone number configuration, and the setup.

You can complete a simple transition in a few days. Other more complex setups may require additional time to ensure everything is fully operational.

Can I run both Textmagic and my TextMagic alternative simultaneously during the transition period?

Yes, you can run both Textagic and your new platform simultaneously during the transition period. This approach can help you make sure your data is correct and that your new platform works as expected.

Will my customers experience any downtime during the phone number hosting or porting process?

Your customers may experience some downtime during the phone number hosting or porting process. This process is largely seamless since the transfer occurs behind the scenes. 

However, there might be a brief period—usually just a few minutes—where your phone number isn’t available.

To minimize any potential disruptions, inform your customers in advance and provide alternative contact methods if needed.

Most service providers will work to ensure minimal downtime, often scheduled during off-peak hours.

Can I keep all my existing customer conversations and messages when switching platforms?

Yes, you can keep all of your existing customer conversations and messages when switching to Textmagic alternatives like MessageDesk. For others, it depends on the capabilities of your selected TextMagic alternative platform. 

Before the switch, export all of your conversation data to a .csv from Textmagic using its data export tools. 

Make sure your new platform supports importing your data.

What are the terms for canceling my Textmagic contract?

The terms for canceling your Textmagic contract can vary depending on your specific agreement with TextMagic. 

Generally, you should review your contract for details on the cancellation policy. This includes any required notice period, potential early termination fees, and obligations you must fulfill before canceling. 

Some Textmagic contracts may require a 30-day notice, while others might have specific terms tied to your contract’s length. 

If you're still under a fixed-term contract, you might face penalties for early termination. Be sure to contact Textmagic’s customer support team to clarify the cancellation process. You’ll want to ensure that you understand any financial implications before proceeding.

How do I ensure Textmagic won’t charge me after I switch?

To make sure Textmagic won’t charge you after switching, cancel your account through customer support. You’ll also want to obtain written confirmation of your cancellation date. 

Be sure to review your final bill for accuracy and monitor your bank statements for any unexpected charges. You’ll also want to keep records of all communications in case you need to dispute any charges.

What should I do if Textmagic tries to enforce early termination fees?

Review your contract terms and conditions regarding early termination if Textmagic tries to enforce fees.

Does the contract state any termination fees? If yes, then you’ll most likely need to pay them. 

However, you can try negotiating with Textmagic. Explain your reasons for canceling, and request a waiver or reduction of the fees. 

Think your fees are unfair or not clearly outlined in the contract? You might consider disputing them through Textmagic's customer support or seeking advice from a legal counsel to explore options. 

Be sure to document all communications for reference.

Can I transfer my Textmagic contract or services to another business if needed?

Transferring your TextMagic contract or services depends on the terms of your Textmagic contract. Most service agreements include clauses about moving or assigning your contract.

If your contract allows, you might be able to transfer your agreement to a Textmagic alternative. If you can’t transfer, you may need to revise the contract or explore other options.

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