Guide to Employee Text Messaging Systems & Work Text Apps
Guide to Employee Text Messaging Systems & Work Text Apps

Guide to Internal SMS and Using Text Messages to Communicate with Employees, Staff, and More

Employers, managers, and HR professionals need fast, easy ways to communicate with employees, staff, job candidates, etc.

Email and voice are always useful, but they come with some limitations.

This is where SMS text messaging can help.

So in this article, I cover:

  1. What an employee text messaging system is
  2. 5 reasons why you need an employee texting platform for internal SMS, text alerts, and mass texts to employees
  3. How to get started with an employee text messaging system
  4. 9 ways you can use text messages for employee communications
  5. Answers to frequently asked employee text messaging questions

By the end, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to start communicating with employees via text.

Keep reading for more.

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Key features of an employee text messaging system include:

  1. Mass Text Messaging: Send bulk text messages to employees for company-wide announcements and reminders.
  2. Text Alerts: You can use SMS as a text alert system for employee notifications.
  3. Two-Way Communication: Employees and others can reply to text messages - great for scheduling, updates, or answering questions.
  4. Shared Team Inbox: Multiple users can access the same SMS inbox. This allows any number of team members to manage text conversations on a single company phone line.
  5. Message Scheduling and Automation: You can schedule text messages like shift reminders, announcements, or time-sensitive alerts. You can also create automated responses for common inquiries or out-of-office messages.
  6. Templates: Save pre-built message templates to save time and keep messaging consistent.
  7. MMS and Attachments: Send images, links, and other multimedia to employees.
  8. Compliance: You get fully managed 10DLC registration compliance (carriers require this for every business that texts)​​.

5 Reasons Why You Need an Employee Texting Platform for Internal SMS, Text Alerts, and Mass Texts to Employees

Texting has some clear advantages over email and voice—especially for internal communication.

But as an employer, you can’t just text from your personal phone number.

Here’s why you need an employee texting platform for workplace texting.

1. You and your people need faster, more direct ways to connect beyond email and voice calls


It’s easy to compose a mass email to employees and hit send.

But email is a crowded space. Employees spend about 28% of their day reading and responding to emails. This gives you a hit-or-miss chance of getting their attention.

And email isn’t the best for quick, short, direct, messages or getting immediate responses.

Need proof? Texts have up to a 90% open rate and a near 45% response rate. Compare that to email with around a 20% open rate and a 6% response rate.

Don’t get me wrong though. Email will always have its place for employee communication. 

It’s just that, sending a mass text to employees can work better for large-scale, direct messaging. Texts are more engaging and immediate than email, but just as scalable.

And what if your employees or staff aren’t sitting at a desk? What if they don’t have direct access to email? What if they work on a factory floor or out in the field?

Employees who don’t always have email access won’t see your message.

You could also call your employees and staff. But just imagine how long it would take to make phone calls or leave everyone a voice message.

Whereas almost everyone has a text-enabled cell phone. So all you need is an employee texting app, like MessageDesk, to send mass texts and text alerts to employees.

2. You need to improve employee communication without having everyone download and onboard into a new staff alert system


Many businesses and organizations use internal team messaging apps like Slack and Microsoft Teams.

These tools are fantastic. They do a great job of managing and organizing internal team group chats.

However, all of these apps require:

  • A smartphone
  • A mobile app download
  • An internet connection

So what happens in an emergency? Or what if your employees work in places without reliable internet access? Or what if some of your employees don’t own smartphones and can’t get access to a mobile app?

This is where texting workers is best. Telecom networks deliver your texts, not the internet. People can read your texts regardless of internet connection.

Text messaging is also universal on all mobile devices. Most everyone who has a phone can receive text messages.

You can even send a text as part of your welcome kit for new hires. Texting gives you an easy, stress-free, efficient way to reach everyone. No one needs to download a new app.

3. You need to send text alerts and mass texts to employees


It’s essential to deliver time-sensitive updates in fast-paced work environments. 

A good employee texting platform doubles as an employee text alert system. It allows you to send mass texts to employees. It enables you to send out simultaneous alerts for shift changes, emergency notifications, or company-wide announcements. 

Unlike email or internal apps, text messages have near-instant open rates. This makes texting the most reliable way to communicate urgent information. 

You ensure that everyone stays informed and operations remain uninterrupted when you centralize your mass messaging.

4. You need a unified, transparent communication system tied to your business phone line


Managing employee communications across multiple channels and personal devices can cause a lot of problems. 

But a shared team SMS inbox unifies and consolidates texting on your business phone line(s). You can even limit who sees and has access to certain conversations.

You get full visibility into all interactions with a shared inbox. Your managers and teams can track conversations, assign tasks, and resolve issues without confusion. 

You also get a document of every text. This adds transparency and enhances accountability. It also makes sure every message gets read. Nothing slips through the cracks.

5. You need to save time and increase communication efficiency 


Automated text messaging comes with employee texting platforms. 

With an employee texting system, your people can even reply to your broadcasts and get immediate access to info. You can then further automate responses and follow-ups.

All an employee needs to do is text your autoresponder keyword. Examples include: “SCHEDULE”, “TIMEOFF”, “APPLY”, “INFO” etc. 

The person texting the keyword then gets an automatic text response. The response provides more info or directs them toward a resource or link.

You can also use automated texting for things like:

  • Scheduling text message announcements and return-to-work notifications
  • Automatically reminding employees to submit their timesheets
  • Getting employees to subscribe to text alerts for urgent notices
  • Recruiting with text-to-apply and text-to-hire campaigns
  • Submitting time off requests or sick leave text messages
  • Getting instant access to benefits information and company policies
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How to Get Started with an Employee Text Messaging System

Ok, it’s clear why you need an employee text messaging system. 

But here’s what you need to do get your workplace messaging and texting up and running.

1. Choose the right employee text messaging system or work text app


The first step to texting employees is choosing an employee texting platform.

Looking to text staff and employees one-on-one? You’ll need a business text message service with a shared team SMS inbox. This feature helps you manage many two-way text conversations at the same time.

Doing large-scale company-wide text messaging? You’ll want a company text alert system that supports bulk text messaging, text blasts, and text message broadcasts.

MessageDesk offers all of the above features for your employee communication needs.

2. Configure your SMS phone number(s)

You chose an employee texting service. Next, you need to configure your phone line(s) for text messaging. For this, you have a few options. It just depends on whether you’re setting up a new phone line or using an existing one.


Option 1: Get a new number for texting 

Just starting to text? Don’t have an existing phone number for SMS? Many SMS platforms (like MessageDesk) can provide you with a new, dedicated number for texting.

You simply select a local 10-digit phone number (10DLC) with an area code of your choice. You can also use a toll-free 800 number.

Option 2: Text-enable an existing business landline or VoIP number 


Already have a phone line? You can text-enable your existing business landline or VoIP number for sms employee communication. You can do this without disrupting your current voice-calling service or functionality too. 

You get to keep whatever phone number everyone knows you by for calls and text messaging.

You'll need to submit a phone number hosting request to start this process. This grants SMS platforms like MessageDesk access to your phone line’s texting capabilities. 

At MessageDesk, we even streamline this process for you. We handle the paperwork and submit the necessary forms to carriers. All you have to do is provide us with the right information.

The whole process typically takes 3–5 business days from start to finish. We then let you know when your phone line is ready for text messaging.

Option 3: Port your mobile phone number to a VoIP provider 


Want to use your mobile phone number for business texting? You’ll need to port it to a VoIP provider like RingCentral. This allows your number to handle both voice calls and texts while working with a different texting provider.

3. Register with carriers as a “verified sender”

You chose your provider and configured your phone line(s). To start sending texts to employees legally and reliably, you need to register your phone number with telecom carriers. 

The industry calls this process A2P 10DLC carrier registration. But we refer to it as becoming a “verified SMS sender.” 

Working with a texting service like MessageDesk is the best way to become a verified SMS sender.

This is because we help you complete the registration process and ensure your texts comply with regulations. This is all to prevent spam and phishing scams. It’s also essential for achieving high text message delivery rates.

Here’s how to become a verified SMS sender:


Step 1: Submit and validate your business information 

At MessageDesk, we guide you through this process. You just need to submit business information, including

  • Business Identification: Your EIN or tax identification number.
  • Business Address: The official address registered with your business.
  • Contact Information: Primary contact details, including name, phone number, email, and website.
  • Messaging Purpose and Examples: Describe why and how your business uses SMS and provide sample messages.
  • Opt-In and Opt-Out Processes: Carriers require that you explain how customers opt-in to receive messages and how they can opt-out.
  • Message Volume and Content: Carriers need to understand the type and frequency of the messages you want to send.
⚠️ Note: Your business information must match your official tax records. Mismatches will lead to registration delays.

Step 2: Publish a carrier-compliant texting policy on your website


Carriers require you to publish a public texting privacy policy on your website. In your privacy policy you must do the following:

  1. Clearly state what personal information you collect.
  2. Explain how you use and protect the collected information.
  3. Provide details on how people can opt out of receiving text messages.
⚠️ Note: Having this privacy policy publicly available on your website is crucial for gaining carrier approval. Without it, you can’t send text messages.

4. Upload, organize, and group your contacts


Grouping your employees based on department or position helps you to deliver more relevant messages.

It also makes sending mass text messages to your employees easier.

Platforms like MessageDesk make importing and managing contact info easy. You can use our .csv file template to copy/paste your list of phone numbers and contact details. You can then search and select the employees(s) or group(s) you’d like to text after you upload your contacts to MessageDesk.

5. Create text message templates


Ever feel like you’re typing out the same messages to employees and staff every week?

Employee texting platforms like MessageDesk make it easy to save text messages as templates. You can even customize your text messages with tags to auto-insert {{ FirstName }} into every text.”

Templates also ensure that messages stay consistent across senders and your organization.

6. Set up automation and keyword-based autoresponders


You can send an automatic text when someone texts a keyword like APPLY, INFO, or TIMEOFF.

Your response could link them to an application, information, or to a web portal.

Once an employee texts your keyword, you can use your SMS inbox to manage the conversation.

7. Schedule and send mass texts to employees, staff, and others

Mass texting services for employees make it easy to schedule texts.

You can also take advantage of automated text message campaigns to encourage employees to subscribe to company text alerts. Here’s how:

  • Feature opt-in instructions in your organization's internal newsletter or elsewhere.
  • Post signs with a keyword like SUBSCRIBE and promote your text-enabled number.
  • Send a text broadcast to all of your employees and ask them to save your company's number on their phones.
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Start texting with a powerful SMS inbox made for teams.
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9 Ways You Can Use Text Messages for Employee Communications

Texting employees compliments other communication channels, like email, voice, and team chat apps. All of these channels play into your larger employee communication strategy.

Below are some examples of how you can communicate effectively with texting in the workplace.

1. Text job openings and organization announcements


Finding and hiring the right talent for a job is an important and ongoing organizational process.

Texting existing employees and new job candidates about positions can help fill openings faster. Texting gives you a more direct and timely way to get the word out.

Hey there {{ FirstName }}, just letting you know that we’ve had some new positions open up. Check out all the details here: {{ WebLink }}

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2. Run text-to-apply and text-to-hire campaigns


Texts are also great for volume hiring. You can use text-to-apply and text-to-hire text recruiting campaigns to reach more job candidates and save time.

Text-to-apply and hire campaigns are a type of auto-reply text message campaign. They allow applicants to start the application process in their own time. All they have to do is text a keyword like “APPLY” to your business number.

Applicants can get a series of auto-reply texts. These drive them to an application form or a webpage with more info.

Thanks for your interest in our open position! To take the next steps in the application process, visit our website. {{ WebLink }}

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3. Text payroll and timesheet reminders to employees

You can schedule text messages to send automatic timesheet and payroll reminders before pay periods to avoid delays.

Please approve your time card before 4 pm today. We will submit this period’s payroll at 5 pm. Thank you!

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4. Text open shift and scheduling announcements

Filling open shifts and scheduling is a frequent communication problem.

Texting makes it easy for you to text employees, staff, or independent contractors about open and available shifts. This is where texting works especially well for staffing agencies.

Having a shared SMS inbox also makes it easy to continue the conversation. You can respond and verify shift availability or ensure scheduled shifts.

Hello everyone, just wanted to let you all know that we have several open shifts that are still available for next week.

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5. Emergency text alerts

Many organizations rely on text messaging as a text alert system for employees. These systems make it easy to send emergency text alerts and notifications to all employees and staff.

Texting is universal and immediate. This makes it the preferred communication tool for emergencies and urgent notifications.

 ​⚠️ EMERGENCY ALERT: Due to inclement weather the plant is closed.

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6. Text system IT outages and downtime notifications

Many IT departments use email and SMS text alerts to inform and update stakeholders about system outages.

We want to alert you that our payroll system is experiencing a system outage. We will send updates as we gather more information.

7. Text employee and benefits and other programs 

Communicating employee benefits and important dates for open health care enrollments is yet another use for text messaging.

Many organizations schedule these text messages weeks or months in advance. Their texts often include links in templates to enrollment or benefits management portals.

Hi {{ FirstName }}, this is a reminder that open enrollment for our company health care plan begins on {{ InsertDate }}. Visit our website for answers to questions and more information: {{ WebLink }}

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8. Send text reminders to employees and text document requests


When a job applicant becomes a new employee, a lot of communication takes place.

Text messages can help streamline your onboarding process. You can text reminders, share links to documents, and more.

Need contracts turned in? Maybe a copy of an ID, or other documentation? 

Send a quick text. A text reminder can save you time and keep you from having to track employees down.

Hey {{ FirstName }}, just wanted to remind you that all of your onboarding paperwork is due by the end of the day on Friday. We need your driver's license or social security card and returned contracts signed.

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You can also consider using a SharePoint calendar to improve your employee communication.

9. Text company-wide employee recognition

Texting can also help you communicate company-wide employee recognition and employee performance.

All it takes is a quick nod in a company text message update. You can let someone know you appreciate their work - which can go a long way. 

Hi {{ FirstName }}, great job this month! We appreciate your positive attitude and work ethic. Keep up the good work - we see you going the extra mile.

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Moreover, you may want to calculate your employee net promoter score. This can give insight into employee satisfaction and increase employee retention.

Frequently Asked Employee Texting Questions

Below is a list of frequently asked questions about texting in the workplace for employers.

Is there a way to send mass text messages to employees for free?

You have limited ways to send mass text messages to employees for free. Many “free” platforms aren’t free - they come with heavy restrictions.

Most platforms cap the number of messages you can send and don’t offer features like automation or bulk texting.

You can use a personal SMS app or a group texting app (like WhatsApp). But these platforms aren't scalable and they create liability problems. They also lack key business features like compliance, automation, or scheduling.

I recommend a paid platform like MessageDesk for reliable employee text messaging.

What is an employee texting policy?

An employee texting policy is a set of guidelines for text messaging in the workplace. It outlines how, when, and for what purposes employees and employers can use SMS for work-related communication. 

Employee texting policies typically cover proper usage and professionalism, and the types of messages allowed. They also cover consent requirements for texting employees. This includes how to handle sensitive or confidential information and how to opt in or out of messaging. 

Finally, an employee texting policy keeps you in compliance with regulations like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).

Do you need permission to text employees?

Yes, you need permission to text employees. You must get consent before sending texts to employees for compliance with the TCPA.

How can employees consent to receive text messages?

You can have employees opt-in and consent to receive text messages in several different ways, including:

  • Include text messaging opt-in as part of the employee onboarding process.
  • Have employees save your number and tell them to text your phone line with a keyword like “SUBSCRIBE”
  • Employees can submit an opt-in form through your chatbot or website, linking them to your privacy policy link.

Is it ok to text employees off the clock?

Generally, you’ll want to avoid texting employees after hours. This is unless you’re sending emergency text alerts or urgent notices.

Consider publishing guidance on after-hours communication in your employee texting policy. This helps to set communication expectations.

Is it illegal to contact employees after work?

Contacting employees outside working hours is currently legal. The United States doesn’t have explicit laws forbidding employers from contacting employees after work hours.

What are the laws about contacting employees after hours?

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) outlines regulations for texting employees after hours.

The FLSA does require employers to pay overtime to non-exempt employees. Specifically for those who spend time texting, emailing, or calling after hours for business purposes.

Can companies read text messages on company phones?

Employers may monitor personal text messages on a company-owned mobile device.

Employees of private companies should not expect privacy when using company-issued hand-held communication devices.

Should I allow employees to text in sick?

You can allow employees to text in sick. Texting is a convenient and efficient way to manage last-minute absences. Employees can notify you promptly without needing to make a phone call.

Texting also provides you with a written record of the communication. 

However, you should establish clear policies and guidelines for how and when employees can text in sick.

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Start texting with a powerful SMS inbox made for teams.
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Final thoughts and next steps

Ready to start texting your staff and employees? MessageDesk is here to help with smarter, simpler text messaging.

Start sending texts with MessageDesk today. Meet with a messaging expert.

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